Health economics

  • Use of specialized health care services in outpatient and inpatient care and day surgery
    • Care Register for Health Care (HILMO) of National Institute for Health and Welfare
    • Medical Birth Register of National Institute for Health and Welfare
    • General health and birth register of Kuopio University Hospital
  • Costs associated with specialized health care services (Outpatient care by physicians, dentists, oral hygienists, and physiotherapists, inpatient care, examinations, treatments, travels, and sleepovers related to care)
    • Registers of Social Insurance Institution of Finland
    • General health register of Kuopio University Hospital
  • Use of primary health care services in outpatient and inpatient care
    • Register of Primary Health Care Visits (AvoHILMO) of National Institute for Health and Welfare
    • General, maternal, and pediatric health clinic registers and school healthcare registers of the city of Kuopio and other municipalities in Finland.
  • Costs associated with primary health care services (Outpatient care by physicians, dentists, oral hygienists, and physiotherapists, inpatient care, examinations, treatments, travels, and sleepovers related to care)
    • Register of Primary Health Care Visits (AvoHILMO) of National Institute for Health and Welfare
    • General, maternal, and pediatric health clinic registers and school healthcare registers of city of Kuopio and other municipalities in Finland
  • Use of private-sector health care services in outpatient and inpatient care and surgery
    • Health registers of private-sector healthcare providers in city of Kuopio and other municipalities in Finland
  • Costs associated with private-sector health care services (inpatient care, outpatient care by physicians, dentists, oral hygienists, and physiotherapists, examinations, treatments, travel and sleepover expenses related to care)
    • Registers of Social Insurance Institution of Finland.
  • Use of medications and associated costs
    • Medicine Expenditure and Reimbursement Register of Social Welfare of Social Insurance Institution of Finland